Joel R. Schneider

researcher | grantmaker | educator | writer

Hi, I'm Joel

I'm interested in how small-scale, seemingly invisible interactions have visible impacts on society and communities.

I am a researcher who loves to leverage the stories and experiences of stakeholders to improve outcomes, tackle pressing research challenges, promote equity and justice, empower others, and challenge ineffective or oppressive systems. With 13+ years of experience in research, grant management, and teaching at levels from middle school through to graduate programs, I have wide-ranging research expertise. My skills span higher education, material science, and renewable energy, and I have always been fascinated by the hidden Whys

As a research program leader, I have authored successfully funded grants totaling over $4.4 million. I continue to leverage my writing skills and perspective in grant management, having participated in 3 external reviews of proposals within federally funded grant programs and having evaluated 10 multimillion-dollar grant proposals. I have published 11 reviews and research reports with over 400 citations, and I enjoy supporting teams to drive forward progress and implement monitoring tools to evaluate and guide growth. Combining both qualitative and quantitative methods to paint pictures of what, how, and why processes occur excites me, and I utilize my interdisciplinary experience to continue propelling my work.

Throughout my career, I always maintain it is critical we bring our whole selves into our work, and that embodied experience is key to success. I believe systems and social factors are at the root of many challenges we face, and I am motivated to take collective action across grantmaking, research, policy, and practice to make a better world.


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Qualitative &
Quantitative Research

Mentorship &

Mission Statement

To make seemingly invisible processes visible for understanding and thriving

To bridge theory and praxis, connecting the “why” and the “how”

To practice research and teaching as liberatory work that builds up community

To support others in empowering themselves to do the same

I am currently a postdoc in the Department of Biology Teaching and Learning at the University of Minnesota investigating intro STEM classrooms. My current interests focus on the dynamics of race and gender in introductory biology classrooms, how curricula can reinforce or break down student biases, and the experiences of students and faculty. My work brings to light complex and sensitive phenomena so classrooms can be more inclusive, just, and educational. Prior to this I developed technologies for renewable energy and semiconductor engineering, enabling technological progress balanced with environmental stewardship. Beyond my work I appreciate cooking, traveling, and a cozy mug of tea.